React Markdown Html

  1. React-markdown/with-html Npm
  2. React Convert Markdown To Html
Markdown-to-HTML converter implemented with React

Often times, you'll deal with rich data that contains links, styles and images. Typically, this is really hard to do, but with React Native, you can easily render HTML from a Web View. Since Contentful uses Markdown, we can transform that to HTML using a library. React-markdown typically escapes HTML (or ignores it, with skipHtml) because it is dangerous and defeats the purpose of this library. However, if you are in a trusted environment (you trust the markdown), and can spare the bundle size (±60kb minzipped), then you can use rehype-raw.

React Markdown Html

React-markdown, Renders Markdown as React components. HTML, this component does not use dangerouslySetInnerHTML at all - this is a Good Thing™. Building actual projects is a great way to learn React and solidify some of its basic principles. So in this post we will be building a simple Markdown Previewer like what you see in the image above.

<!doctype html>
<metahttp-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'>
<metaname='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1'>
<title>Markdown Converter</title>
<linkrel='stylesheet' href='//'>
textarea {
font-family: monospace;
getInitialState: function(){
inputText: 'Enter *Markdown text* here.nnFor example, this is a numbered list:nn0. Onen0. Twon0. Threen'
render: function(){
<h2>Markdown Converter</h2>
<labellabelFor='inputText'>Markdown Input</label>
placeholder='Markdown text'
className='btn btn-default btn-sm'
>Clear Input Text</button>
onInputTextChange: function(event){
onClearClick: function(event){
this.setState({inputText: '});
render: function(){
varpreviewHtml=outputHtml.length>0 ? outputHtml : '<p><em>(empty)</em></p>';
<labellabelFor='outputHtml'>HTML Output</label>
placeholder='HTML Output'
<divid='preview'className='bg-info'dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: previewHtml}}/>
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React markdown css

Author: Ramesh Kanjinghat

All the articles I write for, including the one you are reading now, are stored as markdown files. The front end is built on reactjs and I was looking for an npm package that can render my markdown as html. I tried couple of options and finally decided to use react-markdown And I am glad I did so.
react-markdown is a react component so, it is very easy to use.
  • Install react-markdown. I like to add it as dependency in package.json and run npm install --save-dev
  • Import it
  • Add ReactMarkdown in the jsx like below. In the below code MarkDownText is the markdown you want to render.
With built-in image renderer the images in the markdown are rendered as html img element. Check below screenshot
react-markdown documentation is very easy to understand and is much easier to use. So, this blog is not about the usage of react-markdown, instead I would like to talk about how you can extend the behavior to suit your requirements. Sometimes you might have specific requirements that react-markdown doesn't support out of box. While writing blogs for I needed to render images as html figure element with figurecaption but react-markdown renders it as plain html img element.
So, I have defined a custom renderer and registered it with react-markdown.
Step1: First define a custom react component where you can render it as you like it. My ImageRenderer component is as below
React Markdown Html

React-markdown/with-html Npm

When you define a custom renderer as a react component and register with react-markdown, it passes the required properties as props to the custom renderer component. In the above code you can see that both image source and alternate text are passed as properties of props object. And the names of these properties exactly match the properties of the html component.
Step2: Once the customer renderer is defined, import the component in the code where you want to use ReactMarkdown and let it know that you want to use custom renderer for images. I have given below the code that use ReactMarkdown with my custom image renderer, ImageRenderer. ReactMarkdown has property called renderers which takes collection of custom renderers. This is the property that you use to register your custom image renderer with ReactMarkdown.
To keep it simple I am using ReactMarkdown in app component. The code is given below
With custom image renderer the images in markdown will be rendered as figure with figurecaption. Check the screenshot below
I have a working version of this code in github, I have couple of custom renderers. Please feel free to check and use it in your application.

React Convert Markdown To Html