Visual Studio Code Eslint

你使用的插件将会对你的工作效率以及工作方式产生很大的影响。这就是为什么我们要运用Visual Studio Code插件列表的原因。 我们改变工具,工具再改变我们。——杰夫贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos) 请注意,所有这些插件都可以在Visual Studio Marketplace 上免费获得。 1. To follow VS Code's model to confirm workspace local settings that impact code execution the two settings eslint.runtime and eslint.nodePath now need user confirmation if defined locally in a workspace folder or a workspace file. Users using these settings in those local scopes will see a notification reminding them of the confirmation need. Increase the power of Visual Studio Code through Extensions. The features that Visual Studio Code includes out-of-the-box are just the start. VS Code extensions let you add languages, debuggers, and tools to your installation to support your development workflow. ESLint, and the Chrome debugger extension. An extension is identified using. In Visual Studio Code with ESLint and Prettier when working on.vue files, it seems I can't get vue/max-attributes-per-line to auto-fix correctly. For example, with vue/max-attributes-per-line set to 'off', and I try to add line breaks manually it corrects it to always have every element on no more than one line, no matter if it is 81, 120, 200.


Visual Studio Code Eslint

ESLint is not working in Visual Studio Code. ESLint tool enabled in Visual Studio Code but seems to be not working and not showing any error related to ESlint tool.

Visual Studio Code Eslint


Installing the ESLInt

The simplest way to configure ESLint using the below NPM commands

npm i eslint && npm i eslint-plugin-react

Install the ESLint extenstion in code editor

Visual Studio Code Eslint Auto Fix

To enable ESLint configurations extension in your react Application, install the extension in your favourite Editor, I recommend you to use vscode for better experience

Visual Studio Code Eslint

Create .eslintrc.js configuration file


Create .eslintrc.js file in your project’s root folder and add the below text to that file.

Enable ESLint Configuration Options in VSCode

Enable all ESLint configurations in VSCode settings by pressing shortcut key ctrl+, and search these settings @ext:dbaeumer.vscode-eslint

After doing all the above settings close the project and reopen the project once again, congratulations…. you have successfully configured ESLint settings in your project.


Visual Studio Code Eslint On Save

Sometimes small mistakes can give big problems which we do not understand where is the problem exactly. So when we install ESLint in the above steps, it will work perfectly.