Sir Duke Guitar Pro

  1. Sir Duke Guitar Programs
  2. Sir Duke Guitar Projects
  3. Sir Duke Guitar Program
  4. Stevie Wonder Sir Duke Guitar Pro

Ultimate Guitar PRO. The easiest way to learn 'Sir Duke' Start a Free Trial to learn songs the new way! Or try spring offer. ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP. GET SPECIAL OFFER. Sir Duke Bass part by Elec. From the album 'Songs in the Key of Life' - S. Wonder Nathan Watts Bass by Stevie Wonder (1976) 1 Sir Duke. Sir Duke Guitar Tab by Stevie Wonder learn how to play chords diagrams. Sir Duke tab by Stevie Wonder with chords drawings, easy version, 12 key variations and much more. Guitar pro video. M: Andrew Rogers 'Sir Duke' (Stevie Wonder) Intro: horns (w/bass drum and high hat) arr.

Sir Duke Guitar Programs

  • Song versions:
  • Tabs
  • Chords
  • Bass
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Sir Duke Guitar Pro


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Sir Duke Guitar Projects

The tablatures on this site are the tabbers' own by-ear transcriptions, and are to be used for for private study, scholarship, or research only.

Consequently, these tabs are a personal interpretation of a musical arrangement by a Guitar Pro user and do not intend to provide a precise tab of the artist. We encourage you to purchase the original artists' album and official songbook.


Sir Duke Guitar Program

Stevie Wonder Sir Duke Guitar Pro

↑ Back to top | Tablatures and chords for acoustic guitar and electric guitar, ukulele, drums are parodies/interpretations of the original songs. You may use it for private study, scholarship, research or language learning purposes only
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