- Mozilla Seamonkey 64 Bit
- Mozilla Seamonkey Free Download
- Mozilla Seamonkey Review
- Mozilla Seamonkey How To Get The Menu Bar Back
- Mozilla Seamonkey Download
The SeaMonkey project is a community effort to develop the SeaMonkey all-in-one internet application suite. Such a software suite was previously made popular by Netscape and Mozilla, and the SeaMonkey project continues to develop and deliver high-quality updates to this concept. Containing an Internet browser, email & newsgroup client with an included web feed reader, HTML. The last version with Mac OS 10.5 support was SeaMonkey 2.13. The last version with Windows 2000 and Windows XP without SP2 support was SeaMonkey 2.9. The last version with Mac OS 10.4 support was SeaMonkey 2.0.14. The last version with PPC support for Mac OS was SeaMonkey 2.0.14. The last version with Windows 98/Me support was SeaMonkey 1.1.19.
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Welcome to the website of the German Thunderbird community!
What we offer:
Thunderbird Download
On the Download page you will find the latest official version of the Mozilla Thunderbird.
A documentation of the program
In the lexicon system of this website you will find help articles, instructions, questions and answers (FAQ), etc.
Help forums to describe problems and ask questions
The Help Forums are organized into a series of sub-forums that address questions and issues around the email program and related topics. To actively write in the forum (only for this!) you first need a user account. Read the help on how to write in the forums - please respect the terms of use. Imagenomic noiseware for mac.
What we are not:
We are not the publishers of the program
Mozilla Thunderbird is officially released by the Mozilla Foundation.
We are not the Thunderbird programmers
The software is programmed by very few full-time programmers who are employed by Mozilla or other companies. Additionally, a variety of volunteer persons can and will contribute program code to the software. Much is also taken over by the program code of the web browser Mozilla Firefox for Thunderbird.
Mozilla Seamonkey 64 Bit
We are not a mailbox provider
You will not get an e-mail account or e-mail address from us. For this you have to get one of the well-known mailbox providers.
Security Vulnerability in APOP Authentication
- SeaMonkey 1.0.9
- SeaMonkey 1.1.2
- Thunderbird
- Thunderbird
Gaëtan Leurent informed us of a weakness in APOPauthentication that could allow an attacker to recover the firstpart of your mail password if the attacker could interposea malicious mail server on your network masquerading as your legitimatemail server. With normal settings it could take several hours forthe attacker to gather enough data to recover just a few charactersof the password. This result was presented at theFast Software Encryption 2007 conference.
In a rump session at the same conference a team from The University ofElectro-Communications claimed that a variant on the same hash-collisionattack allowed them to recover a 31 character password.
Fixed versions of Thunderbird and SeaMonkey mail prevent thistechnique by stricter enforcement of the Message-ID format usedby APOP.
Mozilla Seamonkey Free Download
POP mail accounts which do not use any authentication arecommon and in the same hypothetical situation the password couldbe recovered immediately without any special programming on theattacker's part.
Mozilla Seamonkey Review
Upgrade to a fixed version of the client if your mail accountuses APOP authentication.
Mozilla Seamonkey How To Get The Menu Bar Back
Mozilla Seamonkey Download
- Message Freedom in MD4 and MD5 Collisions: Application to APOP (pdf) Leurent
- Extended APOP Password Recovery Attack (pdf) Sasaki, et al.