Copay In Medical Billing

Capitation refers to a form of a healthcare payment system. In a capitation model, a healthcare provider or individual hospital is paid by the insurer (or other payer). You have 30 days from the time you receive a copay billing statement from us to pay the full amount, dispute the charges, or request financial hardship assistance (like a repayment plan or debt relief) before we'll begin to add late charges and interest.

VAPORHCS wants to keep you abreast of this upcoming change that was part of the nation's relief response to the COVID-19 pandemic so you can plan accordingly. There are many options and resources for Veterans in the brief article below.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

(Updated November 6, 2020; see FAQs below)
Veterans should be aware and plan accordingly that the current suspension of VA collection actions and extension of terms of previous repayment agreements is scheduled to end December 31, 2020.

VA stopped sending monthly billing statements for medical care debt starting April 6, 2020. This change followed the President’s April 2 announcement that was part of the nation's relief response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, all actions on debts owed to VA in the form of copayments under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Treasury were suspended.

With the conclusion of the mandated deferral, VA plans to begin billing Veterans in January 2021 for those postponed copays.

In January, Veterans should receive a patient statement that includes new copay charges for any care or prescriptions from April 6, 2020, through December 31, 2020, and any unpaid copays from before April 2020.

Veterans are not required to make payments until after December, but they can make them now if they want.

Medical copay help

How do I pay my VA copay bill?

Veterans can pay their bill in any of these 4 ways:


Pay directly from your bank account or by debit or credit card on the secure website.

By phone

Call the VA at 888-827-4817. Be sure to have your account number ready.

By mail

Send your payment stub, along with a check or money order made payable to 'VA,' to the address below. Be sure to include your account number on the check or money order.

Department of Veterans Affairs
PO Box 3978
Portland, OR 97208-3978

In person

Visit your nearest VA medical center and ask for the “agent cashier's office.” Bring your payment stub, along with a check or money order made payable to “VA.” Be sure to include your account number on the check or money order.

The agent cashier can look up your billing information; just bring a photo ID card.

Agent cashier's office, Bldg. 100, 3rd floor (open M-F, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.)

3710 Southwest US Veterans Hospital Road

Portland, OR 97239-2964

Click THIS LINK for other details and answers about…

  • how to dispute your copay charges;
  • and how to request financial hardship assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

(As of Novmber 6, 2020)

Why are Veteranscurrentlynot receiving monthlypatientstatements from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)?

Due to thepotentialimpactCOVID-19may haveonVeterans’financial well-being,VAis notprinting and mailingpatient statements for health-care-associated costs from April 6, 2020, through December31, 2020. This means Veterans will not receive a monthly bill for any copaysincurredduring this time. VA will not be adding late charges or interest toaccountsor take any collection action onmedical caredebt until after December31, 2020.

Copay In Medical BillingCopay in medical billing

When will theprinting andmailing of statements resume?

Patientstatements are expected to resumemail delivery in January 2021. Thosepatientstatements will includeunpaidchargesincurredprior to April 2020 and charges for services and medications received from April 2020 through December31, 2020.

Copay Meaning In Medical Billing

How can Veterans find their current balances?

Veterans can obtain balances by calling 866-400-1238 or their local VA medical center’srevenue office.In November 2020, Veterans will receive a letter citing a current balance owed on accounts, with information on how payments may be voluntarily made.An outgoing call campaign will commenceonNovember6, 2020and will includeOffice of Community CareRevenue Operations staff callingVeterans with a greater than $2,000copayment balance.
What happens in January 2021 when statements resume? Will Veterans be required to pay the full statement balance?

In January 2021, Veterans will have the option to pay theircharges in full or arrange a payment plan to make smaller monthly payments. VA continues to consider Veterans who experienced changes to income and are struggling to make copayments due to COVID-19. Financial Hardshiparrangementscan also be requested at this timeor earlier.

How do Veterans make payments on their accounts if they are not receiving monthlypatientstatements?

Veterans can make payments to accounts during this time.Veterans or other payers must have theiraccount number.

  • An account balancecanbe obtained by:
  • Calling866-400-1238
  • Callingthelocal VA medical center’sfacilityrevenue office
  • ConsultingtheNovemberletter containing theiraccountbalance andadditionaldetails on the halt inpatientstatementprinting and mailing(Appendix A)
  • Methods by which a Veteran can pay on a balance
  • Callinga VA medical center facility revenue office
  • By mail:

Department of Veterans Affairs
PO Box 3978
Portland, OR 97208-3978

Copay Meaning In Medical Billing

  • By phone at 888-827-4817

What debt relief options are available to Veterans?

Debt relief options are always available to Veterans. They include:

  • Set up a repayment plan
  • Request a waiver, write off or compromise of your debt
  • Request a VA Hardship Determination

To learn more, please visit